Results for 'Renata I. Rozovskaya'

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  1.  19
    Neural Correlates of Group Versus Individual Problem Solving Revealed by fMRI.Ilya Yu Shpurov, Roza M. Vlasova, Alena D. Rumshiskaya, Renata I. Rozovskaya, Elena A. Mershina, Valentin E. Sinitsyn & Ekaterina V. Pechenkova - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    A perspectiva de Darwin sobre as expressões emocionais dos bebês: contribuições para o desenvolvimento de práticas educativa.Renata Adrian Ribeiro Santos Ramos - 2023 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (79):291-314.
    Resumo: Discuto a abordagem de Darwin sobre meios e finalidades de expressões emocionais, com destaque para o choro e sorriso dos bebês; e apresento algumas contribuições, que se depreendem desse conteúdo, para a reflexão das práticas educativas direcionadas à estas crianças que se encontram na primeira etapa da vida. Para tanto, utilizo de descrições e análises apresentadas por Darwin em “A expressão das emoções nos homens e animais”, publicado em 1872 (2009); apresento perspectivas de estudiosos contemporâneos, que tratam das expressões (...)
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  3. Die Techniken des szenischen Spiels im Unterricht Deutsch als Fremdsprache.Renata Cieślak - 2009 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 5:273-283.
    Pod pojęciem technik interpretacji scenicznej rozumie się działania, które łącząc recepcję tekstu literackiego z pedagogiką dramy, przyczyniają się do intensywnej analizy i interpretacji tekstów. Twórcą i głównym przedstawicielem tego nurtu dydaktyki literatury jest w Niemczech profesor nauk o estetyce i komunikacji Ingo Scheller. Swoją koncepcję pracy z tekstami literackimi Scheller zbudował na gruncie estetyki recepcji - teorii, która nadawała szczególną rolę czytelnikowi w konstytuowaniu znaczenia dzieła literackiego. Ogromny wpływ na powstanie interpretacji scenicznej wywarły także rozwijające się w latach osiemdziesiątych koncepcje (...)
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    O lugar da obra de arte na filosofia do sublime do século XVIII.Renata Covali Cairolli Achlei - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (3):257-273.
    A relação entre o sublime e a arte, a princípio, soa natural e certa, mas ao longo do século XVIII algumas teorias afastaram essa categoria da produção artística. Foram décadas notadamente frutíferas nas questões sobre o sublime, período em que não só o sublime recebe seu título de categoria estética como destacadamente participa das questões epistemológicas da recém cunhada disciplina Estética. Nesse cenário, alguns pensadores se voltam exclusivamente para o sublime natural. Esse artigo procurará mostrar o caminho percorrido por esse (...)
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    Apontamentos acerca do Idealismo Transcendental no contexto da Crítica da razão pura de Kant.Renata Cristina L. Andrade - 2019 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 10 (19):52.
    Este trabalho pretende oferecer uma exposição e caracterização de certas marcas do Idealismo Transcendental presente na primeira Crítica de Kant. Para a realização dos presentes propósitos teremos como apoio algumas passagens do Prefácio à segunda edição da Crítica da razão pura, determinados pontos da Estética Transcendental, bem como tomaremos enquanto base de nossas reflexões a sexta seção da antinomia da razão pura, presente na Crítica da razão pura, denominada de “O idealismo transcendental como chave para a solução da dialética cosmológica”. (...)
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    G. Viale, "Governare i rifiuti".Renata Lizzi - 2001 - Polis 15 (2):317-320.
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  7. Mongolian yos surtakhuun and WEIRD “morality”.Renatas Berniūnas - 2020 - Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science 4:59–71.
    “Morality” is a Western term that brings to mind all sorts of associations. In contemporary Western moral psychology it is a commonplace to assume that people (presumably across all cultures and languages) will typically associate the term “moral” with actions that involve considerations of harm and/or fairness. But is it cross-culturally a valid claim? The current work provides some preliminary evidence from Mongolia to address this question. The word combination of yos surtakhuun is a Mongolian translation of the Western term (...)
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  8. Kontekstualizm i antyrealizm — próba porównania.Renata Wieczorek - 2008 - Filozofia Nauki 3.
    The study aimed at comparison of two standpoints in the contemporary analitical philosophy: antirealism and contextualism. Three characteristics of the antirealist views will be taken into consideration.
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  9. Modele i rzeczywistość. Argument Hilarego Putnama na rzecz odrzucenia realizmu metafizycznego.Renata Wieczorek - 2001 - Filozofia Nauki 3.
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  10. Epistemologiczny kontekstualizm inferencyjny i deflacyjna teoria wiedzy.Renata Wieczorek - 2012 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 83 (3):153-164.
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    Der Artz als Expressionist. "Die Ermordung einer Butterblume" von Alfred Döblin.Renata Cieślak - 2004 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 4.
    Początki twórczości literackiej Alfreda Döblina, znanego przede wszystkim z monumentalnych modernistycznych oraz historycznych powieści, przypadają na okres studiów. Spośród powstałych w tym czasie opowiadań Die Ermordung einer Butterblume wyróżnia się oryginalnością formy i sposobem narracji. O szczególnym charakterze tego utworu zdecydowało połączenie w integralną całość talentu pisarskiego z doświadczeniem lekarza. Uwzględnienie wiedzy z zakresu psychiatrii w kreacji postaci Michaela Fischera umożliwiło Dóblinowi stworzenie dzieła, które jako pierwsze w historii literatury niemieckiej nazwano ekspresjonistycznym. Zawarta w tym tomie analiza opowiadania Die Ermordung (...)
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    Reconstructing neural representations of tactile space.Luigi Tamè, Raffaele Tucciarelli, Renata Sadibolova, Martin I. Sereno & Matthew R. Longo - 2021 - NeuroImage 229.
    Psychophysical experiments have demonstrated large and highly systematic perceptual distortions of tactile space. Such a space can be referred to our experience of the spatial organisation of objects, at representational level, through touch, in analogy with the familiar concept of visual space. We investigated the neural basis of tactile space by analysing activity patterns induced by tactile stimulation of nine points on a 3 × 3 square grid on the hand dorsum using functional magnetic resonance imaging. We used a searchlight (...)
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    Inna wiara, inny Bóg. Problem wiary w twórczości lirycznej Tadeusza Różewicza.Renata Krupa - 2001 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 4:219-236.
    At the beginning of my article I present the themes, symbols and quotations which refer to the Bible and I discuss their functions. Afterwards, I show the image of God embodied in Różewicz’s poetry. First, this God is helpless and submissive to history and poeple. Then, he is the almighty Creator who supports a man. Subsequently, I present Różewicz as a poet who converted from atheism to faith. Early on, the author was demonstrating his departure from God caused by his (...)
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    Antirealism and contextualism-an attempt of comparison (kontekstualizm I antyrealizm-próba porównania).Wieczorek Renata - 2008 - Filozofia Nauki 16 (3-4 (63-64)):77-89.
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  15. Nežudyk, nevok, nemeluok: preliminarus lietuviams kognityviai raiškiausių moralinių nusižengimų tyrimas.Renatas Berniūnas & Vilius Dranseika - 2017 - Žmogus ir Žodis 19 (4).
    Kokie veiksmai yra kognityviškai raiškiausi, labiausiai prototipiški moralės transgresijų pavyzdžiai? Deja, šiuo metu yra labai nedaug tyrimų, siekiančių sistemiškai nagrinėti šį klausimą. Šiuo straipsniu siekiame prisidėti prie šio klausimo sprendimo pristatydami preliminarius tyrimo duomenis apie tai, kurie veiksmai tyrimo dalyviams lietuviams buvo raiškiausi. Pirmajame tyrime pritaikius kognityvinės antropologijos metodus buvo nustatyti tyrimo dalyviams iš Lietuvos raiškiausi moralinių transgresijų atvejai. Antrajame tyrime dalyvių buvo prašoma šiuos veiksmus suskirstyti į kategorijas, paimtas iš Haidto moralės pagrindų teorijos. Paėmus kartu, šie tyrimai suteikia preliminarių (...)
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    The Mania and Stimmung: On the phenomenological differences of the perception of mania and their transformations.Renata Bazzo & Christian Ingo Lenz Dunker - 2020 - Phenomenology and Mind 18:242-248.
    Epidemiological studies of the last decade have shown a low prevalence of hypomania and bipolar I disorder in Western societies while pointing to a prevalence of unipolar mania in non-Western societies. This work seeks to investigate the explanatory role of the Stimmung concept to understand these differences, as much as the increase in the number of cases of mania in the West in the last two decades. It attempts to explore the relationship between the phenomenology of hypomania and its adaptation (...)
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    Neurohermeneutics A Transdisciplinary Approach to Literature.Renata Gambino & Grazia Pulvirenti - 2019 - Gestalt Theory 41 (2):185-200.
    Summary In the epistemic frame of the biocultural turn and of the neuroaesthetics, we have developed neurohermeneutics as an approach to literature that aims at contributing to the current debate about the linkage between literary, cognitive and neuroscientific studies, focusing on the relationship between mindbrain processes mirrored in the formal features of the text and the strategies activated by the author in a text in order to guide the reader in imagining, emotionally feeling and cognitively getting meanings out of the (...)
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  18.  5
    The Beauty of the Human Face in Contemporary Interdisciplinary Discourse.Renáta Kišoňová - 2023 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 12 (2):103-116.
    The face serves as a fascinating focal point for exploring different perspectives and attitudes on human nature, including their identity, boundaries, culture, roles, the function of looks, beauty, religion, imagination, memory and more. In this paper, I will explore the analysis of facial beauty in the framework of contemporary interdisciplinary research, particularly the realms of contemporary cognitive science, neuropsychology, and evolutionary biology. Why do we prefer some faces and not others? What mechanisms underlie the evaluation of some faces as more (...)
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    Semantyczna struktura słownictwa i wypowiedzi.Renata Grzegorczykowa & Zofia Zaron (eds.) - 1997 - Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
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  20. Comprehending Adverbs of Doubt and Certainty in Health Communication: A Multidimensional Scaling Approach.Norman S. Segalowitz, Marina M. Doucerain, Renata F. I. Meuter, Yue Zhao, Julia Hocking & Andrew G. Ryder - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  21.  10
    Sztuka żydowska w świetle krytyki artystycznej dwudziestolecia międzywojennego.Renata Piątkowska - 2020 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 36:73-93.
    Artykuł analizuje pojęcie sztuki żydowskiej w zapisach krytyki dwudziestolecia międzywojennego w Polsce. Rozważania o sztuce żydowskiej, dyskusje o znaczeniu sztuk pięknych dla społeczności żydowskiej w diasporze oraz roli, jaka przypadła im w budowaniu nowego narodowego uniwersum wizualnego Żydów europejskich rozpoczęły się w przededniu I wojny światowej. W niepodległej Polsce kontynuowano dyskusje o kierunkach rozwoju narodowej kultury, zarówno w kontekście niezależnego, autonomicznego życia żydowskiego, jak i relacji między kulturą polską, kulturą dominująca a peryferyjną w kontekście państwa kulturą żydowską. Na przykładzie otwartego (...)
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    O przyznawaniu się do winy i aktach pokrewnych.Renata Grzegorczykowa - 2003 - Etyka 36:225-229.
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    Czy wszyscy Polacy byli odwróceni? Problem antysemityzmu postrzegany przez Henryka Grynberga.Renata Krupa - 2002 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 5:201-219.
    The article presents the issue of anti-Semitism outlined by Grynberg in his prose and poetry. In the first part of the work I show roots of hatred for the Jews noticed by the contemporary writer. In the second part I discuss the signs of anti-Semitism and I reinforce them with the concrete examples from Grynberg’s works. Subsequently, I show the reader that hostility to the Jews accompanied the Poles immediately after the war and many years later. I present the circumstances (...)
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  24.  12
    I I I I approximate behef RGVISIOH.Renata Wassermann - unknown
    New York, USA. ERi2;mail: [email protected]. edu. au ROHIT PARIKH, Brooklyn College 0f CUNY and CUNY Graduate Center, New York, USA. E-mail: ripbc@cunyum. cuny. edu..
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    Kompetencije školskih ravnatelja.Renata Burai, Ivan Burić & Rona Bušljeta Kardum - 2023 - Metodicki Ogledi 29 (2):179-201.
    U Republici Hrvatskoj biti ravnatelj/ica odgojno-obrazovne ustanove nije više samo funkcija nego i zanimanje. Obveze i prava ravnatelja/ica odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova proizlaze iz zakonske regulative, dok su kompetencije ravnatelja od 2020. određene standardom zanimanja i standardom kvalifikacije. Ovim se radom na temelju Standarda zanimanja i Standarda kvalifikacije ravnatelja/ica odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova kojima su određene kompetencije ravnatelja/ica odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova želio utvrditi stupanj ravnateljskih kompetencija stečenih formalnim nastavničkim obrazovanjem. Formalno nastavničko obrazovanje podrazumijeva stjecanje kompetencija za rad u odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama. Te se kompetencije u Republici (...)
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    Squares in Fork Arrow Logic.Renata P. De Freitas, Jorge P. Viana, Mario R. F. Benevides, Sheila R. M. Veloso & Paulo A. S. Veloso - 2003 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 32 (4):343 - 355.
    In this paper we show that the class of fork squares has a complete orthodox axiomatization in fork arrow logic (FAL). This result may be seen as an orthodox counterpart of Venema's non-orthodox axiomatization for the class of squares in arrow logic. FAL is the modal logic of fork algebras (FAs) just as arrow logic is the modal logic of relation algebras (RAs). FAs extend RAs by a binary fork operator and are axiomatized by adding three equations to RAs equational (...)
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    Neural correlates of distorted body representations underlying tactile distance perception.Luigi Tamè, Raffaele Tucciarelli, Renata Sadibolova, Martin I. Sereno & Matthew R. Longo - unknown
    Tactile distance perception is believed to require that immediate afferent signals be referenced to a stored representation of body size and shape (the body model). For this ability, recent studies have reported that the stored body representations involved are highly distorted, at least in the case of the hand, with the hand dorsum represented as wider and squatter than it actually is. Here, we aim to define the neural basis of this phenomenon. In a behavioural experiment participants estimated the distance (...)
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    Reconstruction of the neural representations of the tactile space.Luigi Tamè, Raffaele Tucciarelli, Renata Sadibolova, Martin I. Sereno & Matthew R. Longo - unknown
    We examined the neural basis of tactile distance perception by analyzing activity patterns induced by tactile stimulation of nine points on a 3 x 3 square grid on the hand dorsum using functional magnetic resonance (fMRI). We used a searchlight approach within pre-defined regions of interests (ROIs) to compute the pairwise Euclidean distances between the activity patterns elicited by tactile stimulation. Then, we used multidimensional scaling (MDS) to reconstruct skin space at the neural level and compare it with skin space (...)
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    Samoświadomość i sceptycyzm.Renata Ziemińska - 2020 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 29 (2 (114)):91-102.
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  30. Antyrealizm i deflacjonizm a pojęcie prawdy.Renata Ziemińska - 2000 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 34 (2):69-84.
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    Byt i sens: księga pamiątkowa VII Polskiego Zjazdu Filozoficznego w Szczecinie, 14-18 września 2004 roku.Renata Ziemińska & Ireneusz Ziemiński (eds.) - 2005 - Szczecin: Uniwersytet Szczeciński.
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    Dusza i dualizm.Renata Ziemińska & Ireneusz Ziemiński - 1997 - Etyka 30:195-199.
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  33. Internalizm i fundamentalizm w epistemologii.Renata Ziemińska - 1997 - Filozofia Nauki 3.
    Contemporary philosophy (at least in English-speaking world) is dominated by discussions between foundationalism and externalism on the other hand. R. Chisholm defends foundationalistic and internalistic position. Epistemological foundationalism is the thesis that there are basic beliefs which are the foundation for the justificaction of others. According to Chisholm such basic beliefs are some simple truths of reason and some beliefs about the self-presenting states like thinking, seeming or sensing. There are some problems with such basic beliefs, but Chisholm's main important (...)
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  34. Prawda i pewność.Renata Ziemińska - 1997 - Filozofia Nauki 2.
    In the article Chisholm's conception of truth is considered. In author's opinion Chisholm defends the possibility of certain knowledge by modifying the concept of „certainty”. Contrary to the philosophical tradition, in Chisholm's view the certainty of knowledge does not imply its truth.
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  35. Samorefutacja i starożytny sceptycyzm.Renata Ziemińska - 2011 - Filozofia Nauki 19 (3).
    Luca Castagnoli, Ancient Self-Refutation. The Logic and History of the Self- Refutation Argument from Democritus to Augustine, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2010, pp. XX+394. Hardback, ISBN 9780521896313. -/- L. Castagnoli in his book Ancient Self-Refutation rightly observes that self-refutation is not falsification; it overturns the act of assertion but does not prove that the content of the act is false. He argues against the widely spread belief that Sextus Empiricus accepted the self-refutation of his own expressions. Castagnoli also claims that (...)
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  36. Nozick o wiedzy i sceptycyzmie.Renata Ziemińska - 2002 - Filozofia Nauki 1.
    Nozick is the author of the conditional definition of knowledge where two subjunctive conditionals replace internalistic notion of justification. If you know that p, you have true belief that p and also in the close possible worlds you would accept p when p is true and you would not accept p when p is false. Nozick agrees with skeptics that we do not know that we are not brains in the vat. But he claims that we do know all the (...)
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    Dwie koncepcje prawdy i dwie wizje świata.Renata Ziemińska - 2013 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 61 (3):29-41.
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  38. Ireneusz Ziemiński, Dusza i dualizm (Richard Swinburn, The Evolution of the Soul).Renata Ziemińska - 1997 - Etyka 30.
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  39. Sprawiedliwość i przypadek w twórczości Fredricha Durrenmatta. Trzy punkty widzenia wymiaru sprawiedliwości: \"Helleński\", \"holmesowski\", durrenmattowski.Renata Misiewicz-Wawerczyk - 2002 - Colloquia Communia 72 (1):226-243.
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    Outcome predictions and property attribution: the EPR argument reconsidered.GianCarlo Ghirardi & Renata Grassi - 1994 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 25 (3):397-423.
    We reconsider the nonlocal aspects of quantum mechanics with special reference to the EPR argument. We first confine our considerations to the correlations between the outcomes of measurements on spatially distant constituents, without worrying about the measurement problem. We pay particular attention to the relativistic aspects of the problem. Our first conclusion is that, when developed along the lines we follow, the EPR inference that quantum correlations and locality together imply incompleteness, is appropriate. We then investigate whether the other common (...)
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    Toward a Nonbinary Model of Gender/Sex Traits.Renata Ziemińska - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (2):402-421.
    I argue against the exclusive female/male divide, referring to the phenomenon of epistemic injustice in the cases of people with nonbinary gender identities and people with intersex traits. Such people have traits that are counterexamples to the binary female/male model. I have separated female and male traits into nine basic layers, five of which belong to sex and four to gender. In every layer, I have found traits that are neither female nor male, and the application of the model to (...)
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    Psihološka otpornost i kvaliteta života: Razlike između učenika osnovne škole i učenika glazbene škole.Renata Miljević-Riđički & Davor Brđanović - 2021 - Metodicki Ogledi 28 (1):141-166.
    The aim of this research was to see if there is a difference in the psychological resilience and quality of life of pupils attending elementary school and pupils attending both elementary school and elementary music school. The research also examined the potential gender differences in the results with respect to the school the pupils attended. The research included pupils of comparable age – those in the final years of elementary school and in the final years of elementary music school. The (...)
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    Pragmatic Inconsistency of Sextan Skepticism.Renata Ziemińska - 2013 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 7 (1):71-86.
    Skepticism described by Sextus Empiricus faces the persistent charge that it is an inconsistent, self-refuting view. However, recently its consistency hasbeen defended in three important ways: it is a thesis with weak assertion, it is a practice without any assertion, and it is a process developing over time.The first option is not well supported by Sextus’ texts, where even a weak assertion is not allowed. The second option cannot explain the rationality of skeptical arguments. The third option reveals two levels (...)
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    The Epistemic Injustice Expressed in “Normalizing” Surgery on Children with Intersex Traits.Renata Ziemińska - 2020 - Diametros 17 (66):52-65.
    I present the notion of epistemic injustice coined by Miranda Fricker and apply it to the situation of people with intersex traits, especially intersex children who are the subjects of “normalizing” surgery. Several studies from Polish hospitals show that both early “normalizing” surgery and the decision to postpone such surgery can result in harm to an intersex child. For this reason, I claim that “normalizing” surgery is only an expression of the epistemic hermeneutical injustice existing before the surgery and that (...)
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    Carneades’ Approval as a Weak Assertion: A Non-Dialectical Interpretation of Academic Skepticism.Renata Zieminska - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (6):591-602.
    Academic skepticism is usually interpreted as a type of discourse without an assertion (a dialectical interpretation). I argue against this interpretation. One can interpret Carneades’ notion of approval as our notion of weak assertion and thereby ascribe to him his own views (a non-dialectical interpretation). In Academica Cicero reports the debate about the status of approval as a kind of assent among Carneades’ followers, especially the views of Clitomachus and Philo of Larissa. According to Clitomachus, approving impressions implies acting on (...)
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  46. Eksternalizm a sceptycyzm we współczesnej filozofii anglosaskiej.Renata Ziemińska & Robert Poczobut - 2005 - Diametros 3:75-85.
    Epistemic externalists offer many arguments against skepticism. They modify the skeptic’s concept of knowledge, justification and meaning and point out which of his presuppositions we need not accept. Dretske claims that a skeptic wrongly presupposes that we cannot know if we do not know that we know. But knowledge need not be self-conscious . According to Nozick a skeptic wrongly presupposes the Principle of Closure . He says that although we do not know that we are not brains in a (...)
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  47. Refleksje nad książką Władysława Kunickiego-Goldfingera „Znikąd donikąd”.Renata Zielińska - 1994 - Filozofia Nauki 3.
    The paper deals with a comparative analysis of several contemporary conceptions of biological evolutions and the problem of the origins of life. These conceptions are philosophically oriented in respect to establishing the relation between life and the rest of material reality, and also regarding the status of biology towards other domains of science. The approaches of I. Prigogine, M. Eigen, F. Dyson and B.O. Küppers are inclined to such an understanding of the genesis of biological information, in which it is (...)
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  48. Mało jest naprawdę ludzi, wobec których bez przesady i zafałszowań użyć można określenia: życie swoje poświęcił nauce. Słowa te są absolutnie prawdziwe w odniesieniu do tego oddania, z jakim realizowała swe zamierzenia naukowe MR Mayenowa. Wyrażało się to nie tylko wkładem pracy, która nie ustawała nawet po Jej przejściu na emeryturę i od której nie zwalniał ani.Maria Renata Mayenowa - forthcoming - Studia Semiotyczne.
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  49. Relacje komunikacyjne uczeń – nauczyciel. Konteksty teoretyczne i metodologiczne.Renata Wawrzyniak-Beszterda - 2003 - Colloquia Communia 75 (2):258-278.
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  50. Money as Media: Gilson Schwartz on the Semiotics of Digital Currency.Renata Lemos-Morais - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):22-25.
    continent. 1.1 (2011): 22-25. The Author gratefully acknowledges the financial support of CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento do Ensino Superior), Brazil. From the multifarious subdivisions of semiotics, be they naturalistic or culturalistic, the realm of semiotics of value is a ?eld that is getting more and more attention these days. Our entire political and economic systems are based upon structures of symbolic representation that many times seem not only to embody monetary value but also to determine it. The connection between monetary (...)
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